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  • The site at Poldhu was purchased in 1900 and is famous for the first transatlantic radio signal which introduced everything from broadcasting to satellite communications, mobile phones, broadband, the Internet and the worldwide web.  Poldhu was at the forefront of it all.

  • Marconi's pioneering genius and legacy is physically commemorated by the Marconi Centre, a few  yards away from the site of the original transmission in 1901, overlooking Poldhu Cove.

  • The Marconi Centre was built to commemorate this event on 12 December 2001.  At 4 pm local time, Lady Mary Holborrow, Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall, sent the three dots and the letter "s" was received at St John's, Newfoundland.  On this occasion, however, the signal was transmitted by Amateur Radio rather than by spark transmitter.

  • Visitors can watch a short video presentation showing the significance of Poldhu and Marconi's work and gain information from well designed wall panels.  There are short wave radios to listen to and it is well worthwhile to take an interpretation sheet for a self guided tour of the adjoining fields where the ruins of the old transmitter building can be seen.

Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937)

The Marconi Centre

Poldhu Road * Mullion * Cornwall * TR12 7JB
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